Friday, May 05, 2006

I'm now in the Mac club

imacDave Larson, pastor of the New Life Christian Center in Turlock, read and responded to my request for a used Mac. Apparently, the church had an extra one not in use. So now it is. One of my missionary projects will involve some online design and I wanted to have a Mac on hand to test out webpages in that system. (Thank you, Dave, and NLCC!)

I've already discovered that my primary blog doesn't function right in the Safari web-browser. I can't get the center column to load. (Although, this blog, using the same template seems to work fine.) So I'll have to eventually see what I can do about that.

I do like the feel of the Mac operating system -- elegant -- classy -- although it is a bit counter-intuitive for me. I'll learn.

1 comment:

donnjohnson said...

May you now live on the light side of the computing world!

Brad's blog, updated almost daily, can be found here.