Saturday, October 28, 2006

We've moved -- again

We moved into a duplex last night. We thought that we were going to do it today -- but the rain stopped last night, a truck was available, as were a few friends -- so we did it last night.
We're hoping to rent this duplex until the house in Turlock sells and we can buy something on Guam. So we're not really unpacking everything -- but we're no longer just living out of suit cases.

It's actually a very convenient place for us to live -- half mile from campus. We did have to set off four roach bombs in the place before moving in. But it's what God has provided for the interim.

The Internet won't be hooked up until Monday afternoon -- so I have to go to campus to check email, etc. We'll have a cable connection -- although we aren't ordering any television. We get three stations by broadcast. This is an improvement over Turlock where we barely got one station.

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