Monday, February 11, 2008


Cheryl is speaking tonight to a PIBC class about songwriting. The class is about using the arts in the elementary school classroom.

I fly to Chuuk (formerly known as Truk) tomorrow for a few meetings with our PIBC staff down there. But I return to Guam on Thursday afternoon -- Valentines Day.

My Basic Bible Study Method's class, which is half online and half classroom-based, is doing great. I've not had a class get so into the online discussions as this group.

Timothy Ruda, one of our PIBC students, has put together a music video with his song "The Creation." Timothy is Chuukese -- even though he grew up in Yap -- where his father is a pastor.

He sings his song in Chuukese. "God created everything and all things work together to glorify him... Let us be the light of the world and share about the goodness of his name from here to the end of the world..." (rough translation according to Timothy).

Most of the outdoor video is on the PIBC campus. -- Link

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