Thursday, March 27, 2008

Exciting news from Chuuk

Chuuk mapWe've been trying to get an Internet connection onto Tol, where we have our remote campus in Chuuk. Word came today that FSM Telecom has successfully tested a connection that will work on the campus.

As of now there is a wireless Internet connection in Faichuuk. We'll be installing an antenna tower on campus next week.

Praise the Lord! This will allow us to expand our distance education options, provide for better communication between campuses, and open the Internet so our students can learn to do electronic research.

PIBC Tol campusThis is a picture I look on the Tol campus last October. Tol is about an hour's boat trip across the lagoon from Weno (depending on weather and your boat's engine). Electricity is only on when your generator is running. But cell phone service recently came to the Faichuuk district and the local staff doesn't quite know what to do with the students who have taken to texting in a big way.

Lot's of change...

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