Tuesday, March 18, 2008

From our small corner of the world

Happiness Lodge on "why Islanders can and must be missionaries!" ~ Link

The US government will be giving the Federated States of Micronesia $81 million (perhaps 2/3 of their national budget) next year as a part of the compact agreement. Most of our PIBC students are Micronesians and through the trickle down will use some of that money to fund their education. Thank you Uncle Sam. ~ Link

A US government official says that Palau is the Pacific’s best run country ~ Link

We got the summer class schedule printed and up on the PIBC website today.

I'm not quite halfway through with grading the Basic Bible Study Methods workbooks. Some of the work is outstanding -- reflecting very developed thinking skills -- obviously well taught. But some of the work is frustrating -- reflecting very poor English language skills (did they really get a 450 on the TOEFL? Some do not seem literate in their first language, either.) and a background in a school system which taught only rote facts (on those occasions when the teachers actually showed up for work) and no critical thinking skills.

Basic Bible Study Methods is a year one class and theoretically by the time they're done with the whole college program our students will have more or less caught up with the rest of the world in their critical thinking and language skills. But it is a painful process for everyone involved.

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