The most difficult part of these three weeks was leading the early worship service which is more "traditional" Lutheran in style -- tightly structured liturgy, sung responses, and some chanting on the part of the celebrant (moi). (Cheryl and I usually help lead music at the second service -- where I play guitar and uke.)
Each Guamanian village becomes fiesta central on the day when the church honors the patron saint of the village. (For Merizo it is San Dimas.)
If you were so inclined you could walk from party to party throughout the village -- and be welcomed at each home -- even if you didn't know the family.
The villages in the south are particularly adept at throwing these parties -- thousands and thousands of people down there today. You just can't beat Chamorro hospitality and food.
We added the American touch bringing some of Cheryl's triple-fudge brownies.
It was picture perfect tropical life sitting under the canopies with the tradewinds keeping us cool and driving away the flies.
The south end of Guam is the more rural, cleaner than the central and north -- and spectacularly beautiful.
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