Friday, May 09, 2008

Back from Palau

I took a red-eye from Palau to Guam (with a short stop in Yap) arriving at 5 a.m. this morning. I was able to grab a few hours of sleep before a noon meeting.local church building

A two-day Palau trip is way too short (which I knew would be the case) -- but it was enough to visit the teaching facilities, talk with the staff and students, attend three of our classes, give a PIBC report at the Palau Evangelical Church deacon's conference, and do a brief tour.

Palau is beautiful and quite Capitol Building Palauvibrant (in a laid-back island way). So many of the islands in the Western Pacific are trashed and functioning on a subsistence or poverty level. But it is good to see how this group of islands has defined itself and then made improvements that benefit the people. It is a very impressive place.

It will take me a few days to catch up on email, blog posts, and sleep.

In the pictures: one of the local Palau Evangelical Church buildings and the Palau Capitol Building.

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