Saturday, January 24, 2009

Energetically seeking to receive grace

We must stop using the fact that we cannot earn grace (whether for justification or for sanctification) as an excuse for not energetically seeking to receive grace. Having been found by God, we then become seekers of ever-fuller life in him. Grace is opposed to earning, but not to effort. The realities of Christian spiritual formation are that we will not be transformed "into his likeness" by more information, or by infusions, inspirations, or ministrations alone. Though all of these have an important place, they never suffice, and reliance upon them alone explains the now-common failure of committed Christians to rise much above a certain level of decency.
Dallas Willard, The Great Omission, p. 76
The quote will be a discussion launcher for my Evangelism and Discipleship class in a week. It would be interesting to bring some outside opinions to the table. Any or all feedback -- brief or long would be beneficial (you can leave feedback in the comments section). The students are Chinese, Chuukese, and Palauan. So their experience may be different than yours or that of Willard, who is writing from an American perspective. If you leave a comment and I don't personally know you please say where you live.
  • Do you agree with Willard?
  • In your world do you think that Christians are saying they don't want to appear to be earning grace so they are more relaxed in their approach to spiritual growth than they ought to be?
  • Or are there other issues involved in your context?
  • What might those issues be?
  • What are your personal observations regarding the reasons why Christians fail to grow into fully mature disciples?

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