There are times when the small-mindedness of this place annoys me -- the parochialism, petty politics, corruption, ineptness, architectural chaos, general disrepair, trash... all at levels beyond what we've experienced anywhere in the States. And it's not just a cross-cultural issue. There is some systemic unhealthiness to the place. We are, however, surrounded by many terrific people and that helps -- a lot.
We miss our children. But that separation would have happened anyway because they're all out of the house and off at school or working. We miss friends and in particular being in proximity to extended family. Skype and Google Talk help. We're in contact several times a week.
I still miss the rhythm of being a pastor in a local congregation. In my mind that's where the action is -- that is the missional hub of the church. This gig is good, though. I enjoy the students and the classroom -- but not the grading of assignments. I have particularly enjoyed teaching preaching. But apparently we don't teach that this year. It's only offered every other year.
I don't miss the middle of the night hospital calls -- although they were always full of opportunities for ministry.
I have missed the Covenant connectional events that have been so much a part of my life for the past 20+ years -- Midwinter, Conference events, annual meetings. All of the people I see over and over are like extended family.
I'm surprised at how much I enjoy living in a condo -- although I would like to have more room for my potted plants -- perhaps a little bigger patio. And I would still like to have a small citrus orchard. But I get some of my gardening fix on the PIBC campus where there is unending opportunity for improvement. Our condo is less than a mile from the University of Guam campus if you want to find us on the map.
It's also nice never being cold (except in restaurants with wacko air conditioning) and even though we prefer aridity, the humidity doesn't really bother us much. Living in Texas for six years prepared us for the dampness (Air conditioning is our friend). It rains a lot on Guam. This afternoon it came down in buckets and was standing everywhere. Adequate storm drainage is a goal but rarely a reality. Because Guam sets in typhoon alley everyone always has an eye on the weather. Right now we're all watching Tropical Storm Sepat, which is expected to be upgraded to a typhoon by tomorrow. It's already west of us so it probably won't come back to slam us.
All and all, it's good. It's been a good year.
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