Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hafa Adai #16

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from Brad and Cheryl Boydston --
developing Christian leaders and
serving the churches in the Western Pacific

"In His teaching the islands
will put their hope." Isaiah 42:4

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Hafa adai from Guam -- where it is currently 86° and 91% humidity. The sun shines for a while then the rains come for a while. Then the sun shines for a while then the rains come... It is the rainy season in this part of the world.
It's also mid-semester at Pacific Islands Bible College and things are going quite well -- especially considering all of the transitions in the school.


• Brad is teaching Christian Doctrine 3 and Spiritual Formation. In the doctrine class students are using the knowledge they've gained in the other PIBC classes to do evaluations of various religious movements -- everything from mainline to cults. It's very satisfying to see them present their papers to the class and realize just how far they've come in their ability to apply what they've learned.

In the formation class we've developed a creative approach so that students not only deal with the content of the class but are also coached in writing skills at the same time. Suzanne Bratcher, retired Mr SmilesEnglish professor from Northern Arizona University, is the writing coach. Instead of giving quizzes to keep students on task in the reading we're giving short writing assignments based on the chapters in Scot McKnight's Jesus Creed and John Ortburg's The Life You've Always Wanted. I'm told that this level of integration is unusual in academia. We're not trying to be innovative -- just responding to the reality of an insular student population which has generally had very substandard elementary and secondary educations.

• Cheryl continues to work in the PIBC office keeping the student financial records and managing accounts payable and accounts receivable. Finances can be extra complicated because PIBC has two teaching sites in Chuuk and another in Palau -- each with their own unique financial requirements. Recently she has also been helping with the books at the Lutheran Church of Guam, filling in until ELCA missionary Cristel Churchill returns from the States, where she and Ben Boedecker were married in Wisconsin last Saturday. Cheryl also continues as the paid secretary at the Guam United Methodist Church -- as part of our self-support.

• Kent, who is with us this semester as a PIBC volunteer, is teaching two ESL classes -- one at a local Korean church and one on campus. He has also been helping out in the library. In addition he's been taking a seminary class. It is a delight to have him with us!

• We are also leading an Alpha group on Wednesday nights. Alpha is an evangelistic course which involves creating community through shared meals, gospel presentations, and small group discussions. There are 80 people involved in Alpha this time around. Our group has about a dozen people in it.

waiting at the airport for staff arrival• We have also been a part of a PIBC community group which brings together students and staff on a regular basis. The first group meeting involved packing everyone into our condo for pizza and story-telling. Last Saturday we all went to Dave and Joyce Owen's for BBQ -- and to watch a video which showed how just ten years ago a German mission team transformed a set of typhoon-battered and dilapidated migrant worker dorms into the PIBC campus. Amazing!

• People often ask us how long we plan to stay on Guam. Covenant project missionaries are usually deployed for 3-5 years. At the end of the spring 2009 semester we will have completed 3 years. It would definitely benefit the students, the school, and the churches in the Western Pacific if we continued on. However, our finances are such that we may have to complete the term at the end of the spring semester. We will be making that decision in the next few months. If churches and individuals can help with continued or even additional support we can stay longer. If not, we will consider that the Lord is moving us on to do something else. We don't take your financial support for granted and we appreciate all of the ways that our families, friends, and the churches have been supportive. You all have blessed us and we are grateful.

If you can continue to support us in the work we're doing with young Christian leaders on the islands it would be helpful to hear from you so that we have enough information to make a decision. Send us an email! Even if you can't help out financially it's always a joy and encouragement to hear from you.


The address for sending support is:

PM Support for Boydstons
Department of World Mission
Evangelical Covenant Church
5101 N Francisco Ave
Chicago IL 60625-3676 USA

Checks should be made out to the "Evangelical Covenant Church" with the clear designation "for the support of Brad & Cheryl Boydston." If possible print and include this .pdf form.



• pray for the students in our community group. There are a couple of students who are really struggling academically.

• pray for the new PIBC graduate-level seminary program which is exceeding our expectations on so many levels.

• pray for us as we figure out the next steps.

• pray for Pacific Islands Bible College as we re-envision the school's mission and academic programs.


• Thinking long term, PIBC is going to need additional teachers, with appropriate masters degrees, who can teach education, Bible, theology, and practical ministry classes. It often takes people 12-24 months to raise support and prepare for a transition.

• We are in need of volunteers who can pay their way out to serve for a semester as remedial teachers -- especially in English. Bachelor's degree required. Teaching experience is helpful.

• The Guam campus needs short-term and long term maintenance volunteers to assist Tim Plaxton, the Guam maintenance supervisor.

Thank you for your partnership!


Check the current time on Guam before calling --

• Call us on our cell phones! Brad -- 671-988-4252. Cheryl -- 671-988-4243.

• Our Stateside phone number 602-903-5085 feeds to our voicemail box.

• Skype us -- BradBoydston or seespleez

• Guam address & phone:
Pacific Islands Bible College
PO Box 22619
GMF, GU 96921-2619 USA
Office phone -- 671-734-1812

• Email us -- Brad@Boydston.us or Cheryl@Boydston.us

Covenant World Mission --

Pacific Islands Bible College

Liebenzell USA

Liebenzell International

Cheryl's music

Brad's website/blog -- updated almost daily

Guam Visitor's Bureau

Hafa Adai is Chamorro for hello. If you would like to receive Hafa Adai in your email box, email Brad at brad@boydston.us.

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Brad's blog, updated almost daily, can be found here.