Sunday, October 19, 2008

If we stay on Guam...

Sheraton Laguna Guam ResortThose who read our latest newsletter probably realize that we're in the process of discerning the next steps. In order to continue serving on Guam we'll need to raise a lot more financial support.

We have been blown away -- but not surprised -- by the generosity of God's people. When we left California 2+ years ago we received a lot of upfront major "one-time" gifts. Those special gifts, along with the monthly support from churches, family, and friends have carried us this far. But that pool of money from those special gifts is soon depleted. That means we need to increase monthly support or receive more special gifts -- or a combination thereof.

We can see a lot of good reasons to stay on Guam.

1. We feel that what we're doing at PIBC is having some significant impact not only on the institution but also in the lives of students -- and will soon be having some major impact on the island churches. If we stay on Guam we'd continue partnering with PIBC.

Kent and Cheryl2. Guam is the one of the unique cultural crossroads of the world -- bringing together numerous Asian populations and islanders of many stripes. Mix in a bunch of Americans and you've got a great fusion of cultures -- and an unusual platform for influence in a number of worlds.

3. I could see some doors opening for a significant church plant on Guam. There are just a handful of healthy congregations here. That is, this place is already under-churched. But when you consider the ongoing military build-up and the 40,000 new people it will draw over the next 10 years (military and civilian Americans -- along with Asian support workers) there is a major vacuum -- and a major opportunity to plant cross-cultural churches which would have tentacles reaching into many places around the world. I'd love to use some of the contacts we've already made to start churches which could also serve as training centers for our PIBC and seminary students.

4. While Guam is probably the most quirky place we've ever lived it is also a great place to live -- in spite of the fact that it is an environmental and educational disaster zone, a case study in public misfeasance, full of potholes, and a downright expensive place to live. We like it here PIBC beautyand enjoy the people.

It would be great to stay -- but only if that is God's leading. We're open to redirection and know that there is plenty of ministry to do in other places, too. But we could see this as a longer-term place. We want to be where God wants us to be -- but we have no trouble lobbying for Guam.

Whether we stay or move on, I'm excited to see exactly how it is that the Lord is going to work this out. It's in his hands.

In the pictures: Cheryl, Kent, and I tried to get into the Micronesian Fair at Ypao Beach this afternoon but there was no parking. So, we drove down the street and took a walking tour of the Sheraton Laguna Guam Resort in Tamuning.

The structure is of one of their wedding chapels, surrounded by a swimming pool, and overlooking the Philippine Sea.

Behind Cheryl and Kent is Alupat Island -- a small island inside the reef.

There are over a million Japanese tourists who visit Guam each year -- many to get married. Most will spend their whole time within the tourist strip along the Philippine Sea.

In contrast to the tourist section of Guam is the very basic Guam campus of PIBC in Mangilao. But you can see that we have a different kind of beauty.

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