Saturday, October 07, 2006


The BooniesThe average yearly rainfall for Guam is between 80 and 110 inches -- depending where on the island you are. (Compare to 37 inches in Seattle.)

I think that most of our annual rainfall fell this afternoon. The streets were rivers. Half of the front yard of the complex where we are staying was a lake.

The weather service says that we are currently in the middle of a monson trough.

Rainy DayThe pictures are from the second story apartment above the Southern Baptist ministry complex (where we are house-sitting), a half block from the Universtiy of Guam campus. The white spots in the picture are not snow but the flash reflection on some of the falling raindrops.

The other picture was taken from the backdoor -- overlooking the jungle ("boonies") which is about 5 feet from the building.

Click on the pictures to see larger versions.

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